a giraffe and elephant on a cloud in the sky contemplating their aspirations

The Last Months of the Year

As with most years, I’m shocked that it’s already October and we have 2.5 months left to the year. I saw this quote recently and it connected with me so much that I thought I’d share it with you too.

… don’t hold back. Spend more time with friends who get you. Put your energy into your best habits. Treat your body like a temple. Don’t stay quiet about the love you feel in your heart. Spread kindness. Act on your goals. This time is precious, live in a way that your future self will thank you.
–Yung Pueblo

All of this is always true, but when you are coming down to the home stretch, it seems more pertinent.

Two of the books Juice has read this year were by Brianna Wiest. We already finished The Mountain is You, and we are in the midst of reading This is How You Heal. Both touch on many of the suggestions that Pueblo makes, so maybe that’s why his words resonate so much.

Being a Helper

One of the main parts of who I am is being a helper. It brings me joy to help others. So in looking at Pueblo’s encouragement, one way I can help you is with acting on your goals, especially if they are marketing related.

If you have one big project you would like to see completed before year end:

  • Maybe your company’s logo redesign or a new website …
  • Or maybe you want to plan now so you can activate a social media and email marketing strategy starting Jan. 1, 2025 …
  • Or possibly a smaller project like finally redesigning your business cards …

Whatever your goals, we would love to help you. So please reach out and let’s chat!

Here’s to a strong end of year for you personally and professionally!