Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Juice team - we read books together!

The Juice team just finished another great book together: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbert. Enjoy this collection of quotes that captivated us!

4 Musts Before Building Your WordPress Website

When it’s time to build a WordPress website for your company, there are many things to plan for and consider. Here are four key items to keep in mind … 1) Know Your Rounds of Revision It’s important to know what your website developer’s policy is regarding rounds of revisions. The key reason there is […]

8 Secrets to Success

Eight years brings lots of lessons learned as a business owner. It’s good to see what works and what doesn’t, because without testing the waters, you may miss an amazing opportunity. Being a small business owner comes with its risks and its rewards – the balance of those keeps it interesting. Although there are probably […]

2018 Word of the Year

Before holiday season arrives, it’s beneficial to strategize for the new year. Last year, I shared my word of the year with you and how it encapsulates my goals for the upcoming year serving as a reminder so I stay focused on those goals. CLARITY My word for 2017 has been clarity. From a business […]

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Juice team - we read books together!

The Juice team just finished another great book together: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth. Enjoy this collection of quotes that captivated us!

5 Leadership Takeaways and a Bonus (or Two)

Sharing great takeaways after you attend a conference lets others get some of those valuable nuggets. That’s what I’m going to do for you right now. These are my key takeaways after day one of the 2017 Global Leadership Summit. 1. Personal Betterment Plan Create a betterment plan for the year to improve your own […]

Inside the Minds of Juice …

We love getting to know our clients on a more personal level so we wanted to give you a glimpse into the minds of Juice! Our team, Joyce, Annie, Christy, and Megan, answer the questions below. What’s your favorite thing about Juice? – AM – That I’m valued and trusted, giving me the courage to […]

Seventh Inning Stretch

Baseball fans know that in the middle of the seventh inning, you stand up and stretch. While you’re at it, you’ll probably sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame. The other day it dawned on me that May 19 is a seventh-inning stretch for Juice … we’re exactly 7.5 years old. So to mark the […]

Go the Extra Mile … Raving Fans

Although Raving Fans was written 24 years ago, its claim to be a “revolutionary approach to customer service” still holds true. Many customers have reduced their expectation levels, which is why companies who focus on the principles within this book make such a huge impact with their clients, even in today’s world. Go the extra […]

Web Design: Above the Fold

Debates abound on what goes “above the fold” on a website. The first question: where is the fold? Ahh … the fold moves based on the device you are viewing the site, and if you’re on a desktop or laptop, how large you have your browser screen. So it’s obviously a moving target! But, what […]