3 Reasons Why Feedback Matters

Asking your customers/patients/clients for feedback is an important piece in understanding their thoughts on your products and/or services. You can informally gauge how they feel, but getting hardcore data is priceless, and here’s why … Reason #1 Make Your Customers Know They Are Important If you’re taking the time to get their feedback, your customers […]
Marketing Lingo 101

Joyce and I joke that my role at Juice could often accurately be described as “translator” – and I love it. I don’t speak a legitimate second language but like to think I’m an expert in Juice Lingo. Can we agree that counts as speaking say, 1.125 languages? 1.25 on a good day? Throughout my […]
Your New Year’s Resolution: 5 things you should be doing online in 2017 for your business

If I owned YOUR business, this is what I’d be doing in 2017 to increase my online presence. #1 Blogging Most service-based companies should be blogging. As a matter of fact … I haven’t met a company yet that I couldn’t make a case for blogging. Juice has many success stories of clients who get […]
Your Word of the Year

It’s time to strategize for 2017. The new year will be here before we know it, and although I recently talked about making your fourth quarter strong, it’s critical to start preparing for first quarter and the new year overall as well. Many know that for the past few years, I’ve had a word for […]
The Big Picture – Developing Your Brand

The term “brand” seems to have become a bit of a buzz word lately. And for good reason. It’s easier than ever to reach potential customers. We’re surrounded by advertising messages every day, so you need a well-defined brand to help set your business apart from your competition. What is Branding? A brand is a set of marketing and […]
Why You Should Pay Attention to “User Experience” on a Website

Building a website has become very complex. Well, let me restate that … building a GOOD website has become complex. Now that websites are viewed on so many different devices, website builders have to keep many things in mind all the time, such as: Does the page look good on a computer, a tablet, and […]
The Ultimate Writing Guide

Make sure your writing helps people take in your message. One of the ways to accomplish that is with your writing style. A writing style is made up of many elements, but for now, let’s focus on one: consistency. For example, there’s a choice on how you show time in your copywriting: am/pm, a.m./p.m., or […]
3 Somewhat Easy Ways to Unstick Your Marketing

As a business owner, so much of your time, energy, and heart are invested in its success. Since it is so close to your heart, it can be difficult to know where to go next with your marketing – even harder to look past your own vision for your company’s marketing to consider someone else’s. That’s Why […]
Five Ways to Juice Up Your Marketing Plan

Depending on the products and services you offer, it’s likely that business slows down during certain times of the year. For some, it’s summer and for others, it’s winter. Whenever it hits, the off-season can be viewed as both a blessing or a curse. Sure, you’d prefer to be hitting consistent sales numbers all year long, but […]
The Light Bulb of Inspiration as a Business Owner

As business owners, there is a tremendous benefit in reading. Reading biographies, reading industry-related pieces, reading entrepreneur articles … the list is long, and it’s a worthwhile list. This reading time gives us inspiration and valuable insight into how others approach roadblocks and challenges, how to grow, ways to develop teams, and a plethora of […]