Your website has been hacked, and you didn’t even know it!

“Your website has been hacked, and you didn’t even know it!” Unfortunately, that’s the news that I’ve had to deliver to quite a few clients lately who host their websites on “shared” web hosting services, or hosting companies that do not actively update their clients’ websites. Most recently, I was moving a client’s website to […]

Is WordPress Safe?

If you have built or are thinking about building a WordPress website, in light of the recent increase in website hackings, you have to ask yourself this question: Is it safe to build my website using WordPress? Yes … but. So the answer is yes … but there are some new recommendations for owning a […]

WHAT NOT TO WEAR: 3 Rules for Company Branding

I don’t watch a lot of TV, but one of my favorite shows is “What Not to Wear” on TLC. I’ll stop quickly here to provide an overview for the uninitiated. The premise of the show is friends and family nominate a poor, hapless fashion-disaster soul to give up their entire wardrobe and be flown […]

To DIY, or Not to DIY

Girly-Girl Tendencies This past weekend I had a hair appointment. I have to admit to possessing some girly-girl tendencies … enjoying a little pampering such as mani/pedis or a massage, and anyone who knows me will tell you how much I love shoes! So these every-other-month visits to the salon are something I enjoy. Why? […]

Time to Think

I believe everyone needs time to think about work. You may think that’s a strange thing to say, but it’s true. For those of us who have work days where every minute is maximized, time to reflect is precious. That reflection time may result in a new process that will save you time or money, […]

Direct Mailing – A Worthy Pursuit

The other day, I received a postcard for a dentist nearby advertising for new patients. It just so happens that I’m looking for a new dentist, and I was planning to do some research and make an appointment after the holidays. This got me thinking about the value of a good, old-fashioned, direct mail campaign […]

Building Websites: DIY vs. Freelancer vs. Agency

Obviously, I’m partial to one of the options posed in this blog post, but I’m going to give you an objective look at the different ways you can go about building a website. I’m also going to list some pros and cons for each so you make an informed decision if you are building a website […]

5 Ways to Lose Followers, FAST!

You worked hard to get the followers you have on social media. Don’t push them away! Here are five quick and easy ways to do just that. 1. GET CONTROVERSIAL We all know people who thrive on healthy debate. While there is nothing wrong with this in the personal realm there are certain hot-button issues […]

Is my WordPress website secure? 3 things to check.

Hi! It’s Eric Hicks, Web developer for Juice Marketing and Design, where we help business owners feel proud of their website! We’ve been getting a lot of emails from our clients lately inquiring about the security of their website. Apparently, there was a GoDaddy email that got sent around and it’s been talked about on […]

Branded: Part Four – Brochures

In my blog series, I have been discussing the most important marketing materials any business owner needs, regardless of their product or service. First, one needs to recognize the importance of establishing a brand and then creating that brand through a professional logo design and business cards. In my previous blog, I began to discuss the difference between […]