Top 3 Website Mistakes (and how to avoid them!)

At Juice, we have two main goals when we build a website. First, we want the business owner to feel proud of their website. We’ve found that when a business owner is proud of their site, they get excited, their passion for their business gets re-ignited, and they go out and grow their business! Second, […]

Giving Back

I’m a huge advocate of giving back in life – and in your business life too. If you already have embraced a charity in your working environment, I applaud you and urge you to continue! If you haven’t, I hope this encourages you to take that step. There’s a personal benefit when we focus on […]

Branded: Part Three – Business Cards

OK, so you’ve decided to get branded and you’ve hired a professional designer to develop your logo. Now it’s time to start creating your visual brand identity through your printed and online presence. An essential tool in your marketing toolkit is your business card. Going Paperless I’ve been asked if business professionals really still need a printed […]

So you have a website… now what? (step 2 of 6)

This is a continuation of my blog series titled: So you have a website… now what? In the last blog post, I talked about blogging as a simple way to keep your website updated so that people perceive your site as being up to date and actively maintained. Once you get into a routine of blogging periodically, […]

#Hashtag101: That’s not a pound sign

My mom is a fantastic, bubbly, people person. Needless to say, she has enjoyed her jump into the world of social media over the last few years. Because of her background in marketing, I’ve tried to get her interested in Twitter, Instagram and starting a blog, but Facebook seems to be the only outlet that has really […]

Branded: Logos, the Face of Your Business (Part 2 of 5)

Situation: You have managed to get your foot in the door with your dream client and the meeting is set. You’ve prepared your presentation, done your research, have answers ready and are energized to promote your company with confidence that you are the best solution for this potential client’s needs. Do you show up to […]

How Denny’s Reinvented Itself Through Positioning (And How You Can Too!)

I’m Eric Hicks, Director of Internet Marketing with Juice Marketing and Design. I help business owners feel proud of their websites! Today, I’m going to deviate from giving out great website and online marketing advice and tell you a story about how Denny’s (the restaurant chain) used good old marketing savvy to reinvent itself, subsequently […]

Socialize, Don’t Sell

Social Media is just that, social! When I was in college and first entered the world of social media, a new addiction was born. Never before could you so quickly discover who was living where, who had married whom, and everywhere your ex had gone the day before. I wouldn’t have believed you had I […]

Numbers: Adjusting Your Sails

Numbers. Most tend to either love them or hate them. But numbers tell a story when you’re looking at your own company, and it’s a worthwhile story to examine. At Juice, we do a marketing wheel with people to see if their overall approach to marketing is balanced. One of the spokes of the wheel […]

Branded: Setting Yourself Apart (Part 1 of 5)

Do I really need a brand for my business? As creative director, I find myself getting asked that question frequently. It comes from both new business owners of start-ups as well as seasoned owners who have been in business for years. The answer is always “YES!” But Why? Establishing a brand for your business shows […]