Can We Borrow Your Shoes?

Walking in someone else’s shoes is the best way to understand the challenges your clients face. Obviously, that’s not the easiest thing to do. Instead, we suggest we perfect the art of listening. Listening is an art. Really taking the time to hear what the other person is saying rather than, for instance, thinking ahead […]

See the Light

You may be trying to find the solution to an ongoing problem or looking at an issue from the wrong perspective. What can you do to help yourself get unstuck? Take a break. Ever notice how some of your best ideas come to you when you walk away from something? The marathon pace we set […]

Judge a Book by Its Cover

Moms say:  don’t judge a book by its cover. You know how difficult it was to follow that advice? Those words of wisdom still apply, but now we’re talking about your website. People value what looks professional and can be found on the Web. Your first appearance to the world often is your website so make a […]