Your Website Design Lowdown

Designing and maintaining a website can be tricky to do by yourself especially when trying to stay up on the technology changes and trends. Technology and looks are always evolving, and it is important for your business to have a website that is up to date and that does not fall behind. Don’t fret, that […]
Goals Mid-year Reset

We are so close to the middle of the year! When you realize that, do you pat yourself on the back because you’ve accomplished so much in the first half of the year? Do you cringe a bit thinking about how far behind you are on your big goals? Or maybe a little of both? […]
For Your Business Card Pleasure.

Designing and printing your business card doesn’t need to be complicated. With the right components, you have a “handshake” on a nice, small piece of paper … literally. It’s your brand. It’s your mini billboard. Easy to keep with you. Simple for someone to keep and remember you. The three magical elements to nail down […]
Disconnect to Reconnect

Disconnect to reconnect? Definitely. And it’s exactly what we did at Juice this month. It was a big, bold step for us, but we closed shop for five business days. Although we have been in business for almost 15 years, we have never attempted this approach for vacation time. So what did we learn? First, […]
The Surfer and the Sage: A Guide to Survive and Ride Life’s Waves

Have you read The Surfer and the Sage: A Guide to Survive and Ride Life’s Waves? The Juice team finished this motivating book together that gives you two similar yet different perspectives on some of the world’s hardest moments. Swim through a preview of the book from the quotes below that we found most wonderful!
Top Questions about Social Media

Social media still comes with a lot of questions. Here are the top questions we receive about social media. Does my business need to be on social media? The short answer is yes. It helps you stay top of mind with the people you already know (those who like/follow you), and through ads/boosts, it helps […]
Award-Winning Designs 2023

Award-Winning Designs: the 2023 Edition It’s our pleasure helping clients look their best! It’s a plus winning awards for doing so too. On that matter, Juice is pumped to announce that we have received FOUR 2023 American Graphic Design Awards from Graphic Design USA! Agile In-Home Care logo To connect with potential clients who need in-home […]
Create a plan #goals

Create a Plan #goals Ready for the new year? It’s important and helpful to create a plan to accomplish your goals. Let’s take a look at some simple ways you can take action. Write down your goals — this can hold you more accountable. Put it in multiple places: on your fridge, your desk, your […]
Juice’s Month of 3

Ride along with me as I touch on Juice’s month of three: Celebrating another Juice birthday Reflecting on the year Being grateful Juice’s 14th birthday! As many business owners probably feel, it seems like a long journey that happens so quickly. We celebrate the achievements, recognize the challenges, and learn from each step along the […]
Inspiring Workspaces

Make your workspace work for you! Over the summer, I attended a workshop with hosts, Liz Gilbert and Rob Bell. I was already a Liz Gilbert fan – you may know her too since she was portrayed by Julia Roberts in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.” But Rob Bell was new to me. While there, […]