3 Guideposts to Social Media from a Graphic Designer’s POV

guideposts for social media from a designer's point of view

Social media can become so over saturated and overwhelming. What colors, themes, imagery, or wording do I use? When do I post? How often? The questions can go on and on … Follow along with me, Juice’s graphic designer, for some guideposts to social media. We’ll take it one step at a time and help […]

Drop Anchor

anchor marketing

What’s an anchor? An anchor is a heavy weight that connects a boat to the land below the water so it is secured from drifting. An anchor can also be someone/something that gives you support — an anchor in your life. There are many definitions for the word anchor, but let’s focus on the marketing […]

Mid-year Check-in Questions

Surprise! It’s almost July. Weren’t we celebrating the new year yesterday? Did it sneak up on you, too? Funny how that happens. Don’t sweat it! So many factors in our lives are out of our control. Here are some check-in questions to help you do a mid-year review and reset. What things are you most […]

The Gift: 14 Lessons to Save Your Life

Juice team - we read books together!

Have you read The Gift: 14 Lessons too Save Your life? The Juice team just finished this heartfelt book together by a 95 year old holocaust surviver, Edith Eger. Jump into a preview of the book through the quotes below that we found most moving. 

Should I rebrand?

Rebranding your business. Is it time to tune up your company’s brand? Rebranding doesn’t have to be scary! Your brand is here to visually represent your company from the inside out. It’s meant to help efficiently communicate to your target audience about who you are as a business. This process usually involves a new visual representation […]

Atlas of the Heart

Juice team - we read books together!

The Juice team recently took on Brené Brown’s latest book: Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience. Take a look through the quotes that wholeheartedly spoke to us throughout our reading journey together!  

Award-Winning Designs 2022

2022 graphic design awards

Award-Winning Designs: the 2022 Edition We love helping our clients look their best! We also love winning awards for those designs. On that note, Juice is excited to announce that we have received three 2022 American Graphic Design Awards from Graphic Design USA! Custom Wedding Invitation The lovely couple had a vision in mind — […]

Word of the Year 2023

word of the year for 2023 - fly (pic of swallows flying)

The self-created box … aka comfort zone Our true nature is to stay within our comfort zones where we deem it safe. Our minds tend to like the familiar even if it is time to spread our wings. The word “fly” reminds me to not be constrained by my self-created box – in work and […]

A Bird, Birthday & Beginning

swallow - bird, birthday & beginning blog post image

The swallow bird is extremely agile. Throughout the years and cultures, it has held many meanings. One of those is being open to going beyond your comfort zone. I think every business owner ends up doing that many times throughout their adventure. This quote from James Clear says it so well … “Balancing success and […]

Snail Mail Lives

enjoyment from getting snail mail

Snail mail lives, and here’s why …  Even if you don’t fully read the mail, you often scan it which still makes an impact. Up to 90% of direct mail gets opened, compared to only 20-30% of emails (reports the Data & Marketing Association). It takes 21% less cognitive effort to process direct mail than […]