A Minute to Think

The Juice team just finished another great book together: A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work by Juliet Funt. Enjoy this collection of quotes that captivated us!
Subject Matter Expert –> Website Content

The phrase “subject matter expert” has been around for quite a while, and it is still relevant. On your website, this translates into what we call content. So let’s talk about website content … Your website pages may change once in a while, but hopefully, you have blog posts that keep getting added to your […]
Website Lingo

Understanding website lingo can help you best convey your goals for your website to your developer. Here are some words/phrases as well as file types that you may find helpful. Favicon The favicon is a tiny icon located in your web browser’s tab. In our example, it is in the top left corner to the […]
3 Steps for Your Mid-year Reflection

July is just around the corner and so is the second half of the year kickoff! If you just groaned because you still have so much to accomplish, so many goals to achieve, and so many projects to complete (and even start), you are not alone. When we set our goals for the year, sometimes […]
Strong Brands are Good for Business

One day, an entrepreneur had an amazing idea and started a business. Years went by, until one day, this person realized the logo and branding they once loved needed some TLC to stay current. In a perfect world, we would recognize this moment on our own. Sometimes, we do, but even I admit that when […]
Branding: All Tied Up with a Pretty Bow

The Gift Box When it comes to branding, which gift box do you present to the world? A. My website has not been updated in the past nine years. Instead, I just enjoy what does look good for my business. I do get great feedback on my business cards! B. I have an excellent social […]
Daring Greatly

The Juice team just finished another great book together: Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown. Enjoy this collection of quotes that captivated us!
Best Practices with Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best ways for a business to reach potential customers. More than 4 billion people across the world use email.1 And often people check their email first thing when they wake up and several times throughout the day. More than 1/5 of emails are opened within the first hour of […]
Four Foundations of Great Email Marketing

Email marketing can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you put lots of time into crafting your emails but have low open rates. (Or worse—you keep getting reported as spam!) The good news is there are strategies you can employ and quick steps you can take to give your emails a better chance at reaching your […]
Announcing Our Award-Winning Designs

While one of the most rewarding parts of graphic design is helping our clients look their best, on occasion we also get to enjoy awards for some of those designs. Juice is excited to announce that we have received three American Graphic Design Awards from Graphic Design USA this year! We’re honored and excited to […]