Make your workspace work for you!
Over the summer, I attended a workshop with hosts, Liz Gilbert and Rob Bell. I was already a Liz Gilbert fan – you may know her too since she was portrayed by Julia Roberts in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.” But Rob Bell was new to me. While there, I picked up one of his autographed books called, “How to Be Here.”
It’s an easy read, but sometimes that makes it more difficult to capture all the gold. So, I’ve been reading a few chapters a week to pace myself.
I just finished a chapter that made me think of my office. Rob Bell talks about details vs. clutter in our physical environments, such as your office.
“Details remind you who you are, where you’ve been, and what your path is.”
Rob Bell, "How to Be Here"
My Workspace: Speak to Me
Interestingly enough, the pieces that “speak to me” in my office do just that, so I thought I’d share some of them with you.

[top left] Upon entering my office is a note from Willow (my dog) and Ellie (my friend’s dog). Years ago, this was taped to my office door waiting for me when I returned. I’ve kept it all these years and finally decided to frame it for my office. It makes me smile.
[top right] Morgan Harper Nichols provides me with such inspirational words. This is one of my favorites. I hope it resonates with you too. “I do not know where tomorrow will lead but I do know I am free to give my all with audacious hope for what could be”
[bottom left] My yoga frog reminds me to stay grounded and also that I’m “wildly capable” (a little saying a dear friend gave to me).
[bottom right] My little notepad makes me chuckle (and reminds me of Oxford Exchange, a place that soothes my soul, since that’s where I bought it). And the sweet little memento next to it reminds me that I have beautiful friends (since it was a gift).
This last photo includes my storefront shingle, so to speak, my Juice Marketing and Design sign. Below is a fun creation from Essie Bergen that reminds me to not be so serious and chill. Of course, I have to include Willow who always reminds me when it’s time to end the workday and take a walk.
Speak to You
I hope you have items that speak to you in your own workspace. As Rob says, they can remind you of who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going.