5 big website tips

Website Tip One: calendar reminder

Mark your calendar with a two-week prior reminder when your domain is due for renewal. Domains not renewing happens to so many! It is much easier to have a calendar reminder than have your site go down as well as be at risk of someone buying your domain because it has lapsed. Even if you have your domain set to auto-renew (which you should do), it is important to set this calendar reminder. For instance, if your credit card on file changes, the auto-renew cannot happen.

Website Tip Two: annual (at least) review

Make a commitment to do a review of your website at least annually. Look at your website with fresh eyes from your audience’s point of view. Is there anything that needs to be updated, removed or added to your website? Do what’s needed so your site stays current and accurate. 

Website Tip Three: how you view it

When you are doing that review, look at your website from a computer monitor, a laptop, a tablet, and a mobile phone. Make sure all the pages and functionality work as they should.

Website Tip Four: notification emails

Test your website’s forms. Do a test entry and make sure the person who is supposed to receive the form submission notifications has received the email. With email platforms striving to reduce spam, these notifications may not be reaching you. There are steps to resolve this. Talk to your web developer or host for help if you are having this issue.

Website Tip Five: the visuals

Update stock photos/videos on your site with custom photography/videos. If you can have a professional take the photos/videos, that’s great. Sometimes you may need to do this on your own, and if so, make sure you do this in landscape orientation at the highest resolution for your web developer.

If you do need to rely on stock, your photos and videos should tell your story, so your audience connects with you.

There are so many tips I could share here, but these five are the questions/issues that come up repeatedly. As always, if you have a website question, just reach out to Juice. We would be happy to share our thoughts on a solution as well as help you!